Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Candy Craze

I'm sure that everyone at some point in their lives have heard the "pop-goes-the-weasel" tune. Where ever the tune is heard is where the source of ice cream, candy, toys and all sorts of other goodies can be found. I however am talking about a more specific type of candy, a more exotic type compared to the ones you can find at Alberstons or Ralphs. The type of candy I'm talking about calls to kids of all ages, like a siren. They scramble to it with crumpled, dirty, old, even wet dollar bills in order to get into a nonexistent line to buy cheap yet incredibly delicious Mexican candy!
I've seen pushing and shoving, scratching and pulling, kicking and screaming kids of all ages, all with the same savage looks in their beady little eyes, all wanting to ravage the wares of the vendor in the white van. Vero Rebanaditas (Watermelon Lollypop), Vero Mango, (obvious), Tamarindo (Lucas Paste), Lucas (Are you serious?) And many more are displayed just barely out of reach of the clawing gremlin like little arms of the candy crazed kids. The candy is like a magnet and kids fly from every turn and bend, neglect street signs, speeding cars, pedestrians and bikers just to buy some candy!
Remember that mexican candy scare a little while back? Well if you don't you not completely left out. The media just blew up a story about mexican candy wrappers being contaminated with lead. They urged parents to stop their kids from eating such candy and switch to some other alternative. Well guess what? Sales where the same, I walk on by from school and I still see the swarm of locusts around the white van blaring pop-goes-the-weasel. It's like the kids are defying authority, including their parents just to satisfy their monstrous sugar cravings. Its a routine that can be seen daily if one knows where to look, like the sun rising and the moon setting, there will always be a demand for the sweet and sour, juicy and spicy, hard and soft candy that we are all secretly infatuated with (though some of us are just more obvious than others). I for one am waiting for the next Latino Frat Mexican candy sale so i can stock up on these heavenly delights. It beats waiting in nonexistent line to compete against candy crazed gremlins. VIVA LA MEXICAN CANDIES!

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